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Welcome 02:01
Making Photoshop your default image editor 07:43
Installing the dekeKeys keyboard shortcuts 08:10
Remapping OS shortcuts 07:37
Installing the Best Workflow color settings 04:31
The color settings explained 06:54
Loading the CS5 color settings in Bridge 03:06
01:05:25 13. What Photoshop Can Do, Pt. 2: The Eyes
What you can do with Photoshop 01:46
The mission-critical eyes 02:44
Copy Merged and Paste in Place 06:52
Sharpening details to match 04:34
Masking eyes 09:22
Working with clipping-mask layers 09:05
Shading with layer effects 08:10
Color and highlight effects 04:02
Refining layer masks 05:43
Fabricating the highlights in the pupils 07:33
Using a merged copy to sharpen 05:34
02:14:27 14. Levels and Curves
Highlights, shadows, and midtones 01:16
Introducing the Auto commands 07:23
Adjusting Cache Level settings 06:08
Reading a channel-by-channel histogram 06:21
How the Auto commands work 05:22
Auto Tone, Auto Contrast, and Auto Color 07:07
Blending the Auto results 04:04
Introducing the Levels command 06:15
Using Levels as an adjustment layer 03:12
Applying custom Levels adjustments 06:08
Understanding the gamma value 07:39
The futility of Output Levels 02:56
Selections and adjustment layers 05:48
Opening up the shadows 03:40
Previewing clipped pixels 04:51
The black, white, and gray eyedroppers 05:07
Gray card tips and tricks 06:05
Making channel-by-channel adjustments 07:29
Introducing the Curves command 07:44
Curves dialog box tricks 07:16
Curves adjustment layer tricks 05:45
Correcting an image with Curves 05:32
Filling in the highlights 05:42
Neutralizing casts and smoothing transitions 05:37
01:46:01 15. Sharpening Details
The art of enhancing edges 01:26
How sharpening works 06:02
The single-shot sharpeners 06:07
Introducing Unsharp Mask 06:19
Radius and Threshold 06:24
Sharpening colors vs. luminosity 05:56
Gauging the ideal settings 08:59
Unsharp Mask vs. Smart Sharpen 07:01
Using the Remove settings 09:30
The More Accurate checkbox 06:08
Saving your Smart Filter settings 05:31
The Advanced sharpening settings 07:52
Accounting for camera shake 06:18
Sharpening with the Emboss filter 06:43
Sharpening with High Pass 09:23
The new and improved Sharpen tool 06:22
01:34:15 16. Noise and Texture
Edge's evil twin: noise 01:12
Color vs. luminance noise 07:21
Reducing color noise 07:45
Reducing luminance noise 04:59
Relegating an effect to the shadows 06:27
Switching between layer and mask 06:59
The Dust & Scratches filter 04:56
Adjusting shadow saturation 05:52
Combining High Pass with Lens Blur 06:57
Masking a layer of Lens Blur 07:34
Painting away High Pass sharpening 08:22
Building up a noise pattern 06:40
Converting noise to texture 04:24
Bleeding colors into paper 06:16
Matching different noise levels 08:31
01:32:16 17. Shadows, Highlights, and Contours
We are the stuff of light 01:24
Applying automatic lens correction 05:53
Introducing Shadows/Highlights 03:44
Shadows/Highlights in depth 07:59
Creating a "bounce" with Gaussian Blur 04:43
Sharpening on top of blur 07:03
Sharpening the merged composition 06:16
Grouping and masking layers 05:40
Adjusting the density of a mask 07:14
Creating a Shadows/Highlights shortcut 05:47
Restoring detail with Shadows/Highlights 06:23
Changing the Shadows/Highlights defaults 06:21
Smoothing skin details with Gaussian Blur 03:56
Smoothing with High Pass 05:44
Lowering contrast with Gaussian Blur 07:04
Inverting a sharpening effect 07:05
02:32:36 18. Black & White and Colorize
Color becomes monochrome 01:31
Converting an image to grayscale 06:49
Extracting luminance information 07:37
Introducing the Channel Mixer 10:23
Aggressive channel mixing 09:42
Proofing CMYK colors 07:49
Color settings and intent 07:06
Practical Channel Mixer variations 04:30
Saving variations as layer comps 07:57
The default grayscale recipe 08:55
Creating a custom black-and-white mix 06:59
Shadows/Highlights in black and white 04:58
Introducing the Black & White command 05:55
Adjusting Black & White settings 09:39
Mixing a Black & White portrait 06:32
Black & White vs. Channel Mixer 09:21
Adding tint and color 08:00
Introducing the Gradient Map 07:10
Loading custom gradients 04:32
Editing gradient color stops 09:58
Colorizing with blend modes and Opacity 07:13


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  1. 1《PhotoshopCS图像艺术精典制作》光盘视频


  2. 2《PhotoshopCS5一对一系列教程-3D对象设计》


  3. 3《PhotoshopCS5抠图与调色圣经》高清PDF版


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